Friday, May 4, 2012


     On Friday, April 27, at 1100 hours, Space Shuttle Enterprise and its NASA 747 SCA (Shuttle Carrier Aircraft) landed at John F. Kennedy Airport to begin its journey by barge to the USS INTREPID Air and Space Museum on Manhattan's west side Pier 88. Enterprise is to become a museum piece at the infamous Air Craft Carrier to join the likes of the SST, the SR-71 A and a host of other vintage aircraft housed at the museum.
     On hand to welcome her to her new home were Senator Charles Schumer who lobbied to get a Space Shuttle here in New York, Film Producer Steven Spielberg, and Actor, Screen Writer, Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame and the original television series Mission Impossible. Also present were original surviving crew members of the USS Interpid as well as the original test crew of astronauts of the ENTERPRISE and the flight crew of the SCA.
      In the Audience was members of Division 12, Thomas McGloin, Stephen Brice, William Goess, Steve Trupkin, AnnMarie Kelly and David Porter who was accompanied by his wife Christine and son Devan. Also present was the COPT of New York, Rear Admiral Linda Fagan along with her accompanying personnel and staff from Sector New York.
      Although it was a windy day, the warmth of spirit and enthusiasm over the arrival of the shuttle made this open air event tolerable. For all of you Star Trek fans, one could only imagine how fitting it was to have Science Officer Spock on hand to welcome the ENTERPRISE to New York to be berthed at the INTREPID both of which in centuries to come were Constitution Class Star Ships!
      For those of us in attendance, we would like to extend a heart felt thank you and Bravo Zulu to another fellow member of Division 12 who made our attendance at this event possible: Port Authority Police Sergeant and Division 12 SO-MS, William Delgado. Although he was working the event, he made himself available to ensure we were all comfortable as well as able to attend.
L-R: Steve Trupkin DSO-AV, William Goess & David Porter DCDR Div. 12
AnnMarie Kelly FSO-PA and PAPD Sgt. William Delgado SO-MS Div. 12
Screen Writer, Actor Leonard Nimoy
New York State Senator Charles Schumer
Film Producer and Screen Writer, Steven Spielberg
David Porter, DCDR Div. 12 and Leonard Nimoy
Front Row Center: Tom McGloin, William Goess
Second Row Center David Porter with Spouse, Christine and Son Devan