Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Policy Regarding Requesting and Conducting Qualification Examiner Check Rides

With the surface patrol season now in full swing, all crew are reminded of the policy regarding QE Check Rides and are asked to comply with same. Below, this policy is outlined so as to eliminate confusion and facilitate a smooth qualification and re-qualification process.


1-      Beginning with the 2012 season, all currency maintenance check rides must be completed by 01 October.  Initial qualification check rides must be complete by 01 November.


2-      The maximum number of personnel permitted for a currency maintenance sign-off session is the minimum required crew for that boat.  As an example, one coxswain and two crew on a 27-foot boat.


3-      A maximum of two boat crews can be checked during one day by one QE.  It is, however, highly recommended that a break be taken between sessions.


4-      When conducting initial qualifications, only one candidate should be assigned to one Qualification Examiner.


5-      Above all, crew fatigue standards must be maintained and safety must be paramount in all evolutions that we undertake.


6-      Paperwork supporting the QE request must be complete and supporting documents recorded in AUXDATA as shown in the candidate's individual training record before any QE assignment will be made.  (Required paperwork is defined in QE Checklist Sections A & B).


Provided by COMO T. Venezio, Submitted by: David G. Porter DCDR, D12, 1SR