Sunday, June 10, 2012

CG Auxiliary Escorts Space Shuttle Enterprise to USS INTREPID

    On Wednesday, 06 JUN 2012 US Coast Guard Auxiliary vessel HALLEYS COMET crewed by Division 12 members and captained by Coxswain JOSEPH HESLIN, VCDR of Division 12, was on scene escorting members of the press who were on hand to welcome US Space Shuttle Enterprise to her final resting place as a museum piece on board an iconic naval vessel that of the USS INTREPID which serves as New York City's Sea, Air and Space Museum. The shuttle will be open to the public in July 2012 for viewing by the public along with the Intrepid itself and all of it infamous aircraft such as the A-6 Intruder remnants of early Coast Guard Helo Aviation and an early version of the SR-71A Blackbird just to name a few.
    The Intrepid is located at Pier 86 on Manhattan's west side. Their address is: Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum West 46th Street & 12th avenue New York, NY 10036. A link to their web site to plan your visit, see what they have to offer and purchase tickets in advance is:
USCG Auxiliary Vessel: Halley's Comet and Space Shuttle Enterprise
(photo provided by Reuters)
Portrait of Joseph Heslin
Joseph Heslin VCDR, Div. 12
(Photo provided by CGA 1SR)