Tuesday, April 30, 2013

USCG Lightship Nantucket

Thank you to Hope Wright, D1SR Public Affairs, for sharing her great weekend visitng the USCG Lightship Nantucket, this ship is now tied up on the north side of Pier 25 at the foot of North Moore Street, New York City.
We keep a sharp eye on a tired paddler going against the tide who hauled herself out on north side of Pier 66
Schooner making its way northbound turns out to be the Mystic Whaler  flying her ensign from atop the mainmast
Mystic Whaler motors her way against current
We crew aboard the John J. Harvey completed required CPR class, followed by lunch on the fantail. Next week will be MOB practice, line handling and shake down cruise.
Volunteer crew on historic fireboat John J. Harvey have a paint party, while those ashore enjoy dining al fresco on the Hudson River.
This is where the term bright work comes from on the yacht Justice berthed on the Hudson. Notice the step stool on float next to cleat.
Blackie working for room and board as a "mouser" on port watch. He was a stowaway originally aboard a sailboat from St. Thomas.
The motor yacht Justice outbound on a sunny Saturday
Installed just north of Pier 40 is the new Fish Attracting Device (FAD) which works after dark to bring fish into the pile field as part of a study with the Hudson River Foundation
At first glance, they seem like real gulls but always face south
The former USCG Lighthouse Tender Lilac is tied up to Pier 25 at the foot of North Moore Street and is open to the public for tours and meetings
   (photos:  Hope Wright, USCG Aux, D1SR Public Affairs)
What a great day it was yesterday!  I am a member of the crew on the John J. Harvey and we are REQUIRED to take, and pass, a CPR course which we had in the morning.  Then a little paint party (many hands make quick work!) and were rewarded with spaghetti, salad, cold drinks and homemade cookies on the fantail!!  Nice group.
Hope Wright, USCG Aux
Public Affairs, Marine Safety and Member Traiing


Pictures from the former USCG Lightship Nantucket now tied up on the north side of Pier 25 at the foot of North Moore Street, New York City:
(photos:  Hope Wright, USCG Aux D1SR Public Affairs)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ops Workshop

Saturday's OPS Workshop held at Station New York with our COTP, Gordon Loebl, and Peter Talamo, DSO-OP, Donna Cole and George Reilly who is now the Deputy Director of Response (DDR).
(photo:  Hope Wright, D1SR, Public Affairs)

Sunday, April 21, 2013


  1. New Member, ALLISON E. ROCKFELD, of Flotilla 12-07 is NEW AUXILIARIST OF THE YEAR from Division 12
Since enrolling on 31 JAN 2012, Allison has taken and passed her Boating       Safety Course, ICS 100, 200, 210, 700 and 800.  She has taken all of her qualifying workshops and tests including but not limited to Pilot Test A, obtained her BQ Status and Direct Operational Waiver and begun her qualification process to obtain her Air Observer rating. Additionally she has become a mentor in her Flotilla and has assisted the Flotilla Commander and his Vice Commander as well as the Flotilla Staff Officer – Member Training in shepherding fellow members through the qualification process for Observer, VE and PV. In doing so, five new members have been able to prepare for, take and pass the same qualifying exams and begin their Air Ops training and two for Program Visitor. A. ROCKFELD has also successfully completed training as a FINGERPRINT TECHNICIAN, VESSEL EXAMINER, MARINE DEALER VISITOR and is a qualification away from having earned her MARINE SAFETY TRAINING Ribbon to begin work on her TRIDENT qualifications as well as INSTRUCTOR and  has taken and passed the OPS POLICY EXAM, APC COURSE, IMSEP and GOODMATE COURSE. She has availed herself to Flotilla 12-07 in the role as Flotilla Staff Officer – Vessel Examiner and Secretary Records and has contributed to the Flotilla's and Division's goal of increasing the VE and PV activity and personnel for 2012. She has accomplished all of this within six months of becoming a member.


  1.      It is for these reasons that ALLISON E. ROCKFELD is awarded - New Auxiliarist of the Year for Division 12.
L-R Joe Heslin DCDR 12, Allison Rockfeld FSO-VE and Ronald Kaplan FC 12-07
David G. Porter
DCAPT Sector NY-S, 1SR
US Coast Guard Auxiliary


1.      Division 12's Auxiliarist of the Year for 2013 is Giacomo J. Colarullo of Flotilla

12-05. Mr. Colarullo has been a member for 2 ½ years having joined the Auxiliary in September of 2010. In that time, he has taken and passed ICS 100 and 700, the Administrative Procedures Course and AUXCOM thus availing himself to the Division as the SO-CM. Additionally, he has taken and passed both the Vessel Examiner and Marine Dealer Visitor Exam becoming operational in the Program Visitor program all of which was completed during 2012.


2.      Mr. Colarullo's most significant contribution to the Auxiliary and Division 12 aside from

performing the various radio drills to ensure the operational readiness of the Division, he also trained another member who is to assist in Auxiliary Communications and got that member to take and pass the AUXCOM exam as well. Mr. Colarullo has also acquiesced to become Vice Flotilla Commander of his Flotilla for 2013 and has promoted and broadened the existence of the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary at Fort Totten in Bayside, Queens by coordinating a local clean up around our facility meeting space and surrounding property and by engaging in this joint venture with members of the NYPD, FDNY and the NYC Parks Department. In doing so, the physical appearance of the property was improved and enough scrap metal was collected and recycled so as to award the Division with over $400.00 to be utilized for the benefit of the Division.  These actions substantially improved relations with those City agencies and increased their awareness of the Auxiliary and our capabilities as a volunteer force multiplier of first responders in support of the United States Coast Guard.


3.      It is for these reasons and because of Mr. Colarullo's continued enthusiasm and support

that he has been selected as Division 12's AUXILIARIST OF THE YEAR.

David G. Porter
DCAPT Sector NY-S, 1SR
US Coast Guard Auxiliary

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

F12-07 FSO-PA Monthly Report April 2013



> April 9th, 2013
> Anne Marie Kelly FSO-PA, Monthly Report
> ---------------------------------------------------
> On March 16th 2013, I attended the various Aviation Program Workshops at the USCG Aux Awards Conference in Groton, CT.
> FC Ron Kaplan, was instrumental in coordinating and conducting the Swim Test, which was held the day before at the USCG Academy in New London. Additional 12-07 members offering assistance were Frank Hippel, Safety Swimmer, Steve Kallinikos with Check in and Martin Stallings, Administrative.
> On Saturday evening after the conference, I attended the Commodore's Banquet held in the Mystic Marriott Ballroom. The program began with a welcome & introductions by Wesley L Doody; followed by an interesting speech by Rear Admiral Daniel Able, Commander, First Coast Guard District, Boston, MA. Also present from Div12 were David Porter, District Captain SECNY-South & ADSO-AVQ,, Steve Trupkin, DSO-AV, Peter Talamo, SO-MT-AV, and Hope Wright ADSO-PA.
> Earlier in the day at the luncheon, F12-07 was once again the recipient of the Division 12 Flotilla of the Year Award, which makes that the third year in a row.
> Allison Rockfeld received the New Auxiliarist of the Year for Division 12 Award and then our own FC Ron Kaplan, ADSO-AVT, won the Coast Guard Auxiliary Achievement Award for Superior Performance of Duties - while serving as the Aux Air Training Assistant DSO for the 1SR from January 2012 to December 2013.
> Among other things:
> "...he demonstrated outstanding leadership and administrative skill
> - created a positive learning environment for all 240 crew members assigned to Southern Region's AuxAir organization, increasing the safety and effectiveness of air operations
> - dedicated countless hours of his own personal time traveling throughout southern New England to present standardized aviation training, improving safety training standards
> - prepared and orchestrated:
> - an Aux Air Crew program at the annual Aux Training Conf in Mystic, CT
> - an Ice Patrol & Summer Safety Workshops
> - two water survival classes
> - using technological foresight, obtained the SAR PRO IPAD software used for in-flight SAR planning and collaborated with the developer to adapt the program for AuxAir missions.
> - presented this new capability to Aux Aircrews, providing them with the necessary information for a seamless transition, which greatly enhanced the aircrew's ability to execute search patterns and effectively increased search area coverage and response capabilities for the First Coast Guard District.
> - maintained an outstanding reputation as a qualified First Pilot, where he carried out numerous patrols in support of Coast Guard operations.
> Mr Kaplan's diligence, perseverance, and devotion to duty are most heartedly commended and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.
> The Operational Distinguishing Device is authorized."
> Congratulations to all of you!
> -------
> April 6th, 2013 - B2 Training Air Station Cape Cod (ASCC)
> B2 training consisted of four teams in four separate aircrafts in ASCC AOR. Participating Flotillas included members jointly flying from F12-07, F1-6 & F10-20. Representing F12-07 were FC Ron Kaplan, Steve Trupkin, Peter Lombardo & Ed Coleman. Each crew took out an Air Station Cape Cod USCG Pilot who observed how each team calculated and flew their respective SAR missions. A debriefing followed at the airbase. In addition to becoming more familiar, learning from each other & enhanced COMMS, It's always beneficial for the Gold Side to see first hand what AuxAir does and how well we do it.
> -------
> Boat Crew & Coxswain Training continues at Ft. Totten under the instruction of Ted Praeger if anyone wants to attend they are welcome on Monday nights.
> -------
> April 20th, 2013 there will be an Ops Workshop at Station NY and everyone is welcome to attend.
> -------
> April 23rd through April 25th, 2013 Intl Flight Test Safety Workshop, N.O.L.A.
> Our own James G. Plackis, 12-07 FSO, will be a Guest Speaker at the International Flight Test Safety Workshop that is being sponsored jointly by the F.A.A.and the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP), from April 23rd through April 25th, 2013, in New Orleans, LA. (He is a Lifetime Member of the Society).
> He will be opening the first Session at 09:15 AM on Wednesday, April 24th, presenting his topic entitled: "Memorable Moments from 38 Years of Test Piloting for the F.A.A.". The talk will cover numerous occurrences, some that were fatal, and others that were humorous (such as having to conduct highly instrumented noise tests on the silent 1-35 Sailplane, in order to satisfy the E.P.A.'s requirements, before F.A.A. Type Certificate approval could be