Empire State Building Lights Up to Celebrate Coast Guard Auxiliary's 75th Anniversary
On June 23, 2014, the Empire State Building will celebrate the Coast Guard Auxiliary's 75 years of volunteer service to the United States Coast Guard and the boating public. The Auxiliary colors will bathe the building with light. Admiral Robert Papp, past Commandant of the Coast Guard, praised the 31,000-member force as "…the world's premier maritime volunteers." The Auxiliary's theme for the 75th anniversary is "Honoring the Past Preparing for the Future."In 1939 Congress created this unique volunteer organization. The Auxiliary has four broadly defined purposes: promoting safety of life at sea and on inland waterways, improving efficiency in operation of recreational vessels, educating boaters on laws, navigation and operation of boats, and helping the Coast Guard Active duty with some missions and operations.The role of the Auxiliary expanded during WW II and members began wearing uniforms. During these early years Auxiliarist developed professional working relationships with the Coast Guard. Continuing that tradition of service, 75 years later the Auxiliary is an integral part of Team Coast Guard. Auxiliarists make a difference by volunteering their time, talents, and use their boats and equipment. They are proud to serve their communities and the nation.Each year, across the nation, Auxiliarists teach boating safety classes for the public and provide free vessel safety exams to promote recreational boating safety. Members engage in safety patrols and Search and Rescue operations in support of the Coast Guard. Auxiliarists stand radio watches at many Coast Guard stations and provide food service by cooking at stations and on Coast Guard vessels. They act as Force Multipliers for the Coast Guard.The lighting of the Empire State Building with the Coast Guard Auxiliary colors on June 23, 2014 celebrates this proud 75-year history of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. They are "Honoring the Past Preparing for the Future" and are, like the rest of the Coast Guard team, "Semper Paratus "– "Always Ready."The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the civilian, uniformed volunteer component of the U.S. Coast Guard. The Auxiliary has approximately 31,000 members who volunteer over 4,500,000 hours a year to support Recreational Boating Safety, 200,000 in operational patrols, Search and Rescue other Coast Guard missions. (Source: Performance Trends Reports – National Summary Spring 2014.)Public Affairs DirectorateU S Coast Guard AuxiliaryLife Jacket, Wear It, the name says it all!
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